Young Scientist Campaign in COVID-19 Pandemic 2021, Notice of Extension

For members of Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology, Japanese Society of Soil Microbiology, Japanese Society of Plant Microbe Interactions, Taiwan Society of Microbial Ecology, and Japanese Society for Extremophiles


We, the editorial committee of Microbes and Environments, have started a new campaign for young scientist members of JSME, JSSM, JSPMI, TSME, and JSE who struggle for daily and research life in COVID-19 Pandemic. We can imagine that the time of COVID-19 Pandemic limits the daily and research life of young scientists in many aspects. We also think that one of the productive activities for such young scientists is to sort out the past and on-going research activities and data, and to arrange the on-going and future research activities with the scientific publications. We are very pleased to support such efforts of young members of our societies with this campaign and would like you to take advantage of this campaign!

Period of Campaign:

Manuscript accepted after July 1, 2020 to submitted before December 31, 2021

Subjected Manuscript:

First-authored or Co-first-authored manuscript by young scientist member of JSME, JSSM, JSPMI, TSME, and JSE. We do not strictly define the conditions of ‘young scientist’ but think that ‘young scientist’ means students and early-careered post-doctoral fellows, and others under 40-years-old.


50% discount publication fee (discount the regular member fee 60,000 JPY to 30,000 JPY)


Young scientist corresponding to the conditions of another ongoing ‘Free publication fee campaign for young scientists in Microbes and Environments (M&E)’ ( should apply to ‘Free publication fee campaign for young scientists in Microbes and Environments (M&E)’


Corresponding authors indicate the name, affiliation (university/institute), position and affiliation (society) of young scientist in “Other message (e.g. different address for delivery etc.)” of “Application / Registration Form”, in the final publication production process by e-mail.